New Beginnings

4 Weekly Coaching Sessions*
$625.00 (plus GST)

Before registering:
- Please read our current Policies.
- Please read our Terms and Conditions for Participation.

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Perfect for:

✓ New puppies 8 weeks to 16 weeks old.
 Newly adopted dogs of any age.

  • Socialization and fear prevention.
  • Alone training and enrichment.
  • General puppy issues like nipping, house training, confinement guidelines, etc.
  • Behaviour prevention.
  • Skills you should teach first!
  • Don’t have your puppy yet? Book one of your sessions before you get your puppy and let us help you get ready.

 New baby on the way? Don’t forget about your dog! There are many ways we can help you prepare him or her for your new family member.
 A savvy and experienced dog-owner already or you’ve worked with us before?

  • Get started on some basic skills and you take it from there.
  • Stuck on a problem? We can help you troubleshoot your training.
  • Struggling with your Recall?  This one’s for you!
  • Wanting to advance your basic skills? We can help with that too!

* Packages must be pre-paid, and all sessions scheduled in advance. Your trainer will contact you for scheduling upon receiving your Intake Form.

Pricing for Additional Sessions:

+ Book more weekly sessions at $150.00 each (plus GST).
Additional sessions must be booked within 4 weeks of your final session to qualify for this discount.

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