Your Adolescent Dog
January 24, 2022 ·
Terrific and Sometimes Terrible Teens!
(aka “How did my friendly puppy become a reactive dog?!”) It’s not uncommon for young dogs to start displaying some reactivity on leash as they leave puppyhood and enter adolescence. It’s also common for them to start being slow to return when you call them.
Loose Leash Walking
January 20, 2022 ·
Leash Your Dogs!
The skill of “walking on a loose leash” is not a terribly complicated skill, but it’s a challenging one for dog owners. Google “no pull dog” and you'll find a huge variety of “solutions" and equipment from the reasonably humane to the downright barbaric.
Body Handling (or Touch) Sensitivity
January 13, 2022 ·
Can You Handle It?
As a dog trainer, one of my top priorities is to convey to clients just how important it is that their dogs be able to tolerate handling. Handling can be defined as a dog’s ability to tolerate being touched all over in many different contexts.
My dog jumps on People!
December 07, 2021 ·
The “Hi!” Jump Challenge (aka - “He just wants to say hi.”)
One of the top complaints we get from clients is that their dog jumps up on people. It’s a difficult problem for most dog owners and it’s not an easy one to solve - the longer it goes on, the harder it can be to change the behaviour.
Pandemic Puppy?
November 08, 2021 ·
Pandemic Puppy Pointers
There has been A LOT of puppies show up on the scene during the Covid 19 Pandemic to date. Many of us have been inundated with requests for puppy classes and private training help.
Puppy Nipping and Biting
January 21, 2021 ·
Piranha Puppy!
Have you had those moments where the angelic light of your life is happily cuddling, snuggling and gazing adoringly into your eyes with sleepy contentment . . . . . . . then suddenly Piranha Puppy appears?!!
Pandemic Dog Training
January 20, 2021 ·
Housebound Hounds!
Here are some tips on what training to do with your dog while we are all housebound during Covid times. Basic training, separation anxiety basics and behaviour prevention are discussed.
Dog-Dog Greetings
November 23, 2020 ·
It's a dog meets dog world!
How polite is your dog when he greets other dogs? Here are some tips and guidelines for dogs greeting on leash and off leash.
Does Your Dog Destroy His Toys?
May 30, 2020 ·
Hold the Stuffing!
Does your dog rip apart and de-stuff all his fluffy toys? Here's how I taught my dog to quit wrecking his toys.
5 Ways to Help Your Reactive Dog
December 28, 2019 ·
5 Tips to help you with your reactive dog.
Plus an added Bonus! 5 tips to help other people with their reactive dogs!
Fear is the most common cause of aggression in dogs.